CIN trains its sailors in hydraulics thanks to scalable front benches
Our double-sided training benches are fully modular and upgradeable. They are suitable for all types of training, whatever the sector. They enable teachers to easily adapt their courses.
We had already produced 2 hydraulic didactic benches in the naval field for the ENSM school. They were designed and adapted to meet the TP needs of teachers and trainers.
ID System’s design team initially developed the BHI4 v2 hydraulic trainer (the 2nd version of this trainer) to suit a wide range of advanced technical training courses.
The Centre d’Instruction Navale (CIN ) of the Pôle Écoles Méditerranée in Saint-Mandrier trains sailors in various cycles in the maintenance of onboard hydraulic installations. Students need to understand all the workings of hydraulics (On/Off, proportional, open or closed loop).
The arrival of the new generation of highly automated frigates requires the creation of a training platform for electro-hydraulic control systems.
This platform is designed for formative and certificative situations for students at 3 different levels.
The 3 target course levels are :
- Level 1 in Industrial Equipment Maintenance (MEI) for Brevet d’Aptitude Technique (BAT) courses,
- Level BAC professionnel Maintenance des Équipements Industriels (MEI) for Brevet Supérieur (BS) courses,
- Professional license for advanced certificate courses in hydraulics.
This nationally renowned school had several requirements:
- It had to be both simple and fun to use, to suit the various training courses: hydraulics, automation, mechanics and electricity.
- It was imperative to put in place procedures and TP specific to this type of training to ensure that the students’ learning was as effective as possible. The navy’s teaching staff changes every 3 years.
To meet all these criteria, we created a customized bench in line with today’s technologies, using technical and specific materials, including a logic module, TOR and PRO components with its digital control board.
Our design team created all the programming for the bench and the PLC. She has also designed a complete step-by-step procedure and 23 personalized teaching aids dedicated to the 3 courses we mentioned earlier.
These suggested practical exercises enable you to grasp or access different skill levels, depending on your educational or professional objectives. Our practical courses cover the following technologies: hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, proportional hydraulics, programmable controllers, sensors, electrical concepts and electric actuators – in other words, mechatronics.
The aim was to offer a common bench that could be used for both hydraulics and electricity courses. The bench is equipped with hydraulic, electrical and automatic servo-controls. As the courses are complementary, students attend and practice on the same teaching materials.
The benefits are many: time-saving programming during lessons and advanced cross-disciplinary pedagogical use. So we supplied all the pre-recorded programs for configuring each proportional component in open and closed loop, as well as the multiple PLC programs needed to train a student properly.
The ID System team set up and ran the hydraulic trainer for a few days to ensure that the equipment met the trainers’ expectations and that they could carry out their classroom exercises.
We would like to thank the CIN teams, Mr. COLIN and Mr. COLONA, for their participation in drawing up the specifications for this bench, and for the many discussions that went into the design of the customized workstations.
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